About us

The ETH Diversity Office at ETH Zürich...

  • supports career development  of women in the academic environment, including training courses and mentoring programs.
  • promotes the integration of gender-specific contents in research and teaching at ETH Zurich.
  • helps to improve reconciliation of studies, work and family at ETH Zurich.
  • is committed to offering every ETH member the same opportunities to study, do research and work successfully at ETH Zurich; regardless of their function, origin, education, religion, beliefs, physical ability, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • informs at least once a year on the development of the proportion of women on the different academic and non-academic levels by means of its Gender Monitoring report.
  • has been assigned to the Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership and collaborates with other institutions for the promotion of equal opportunities for women and men within national and international networks.
  • uses a mailing list to provide information on gender equality and on gender questions in general as well as on events and courses related to this topic.


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